My picture
This post is just so I can get my picture up on the profile. The picture was taken in Keystone, Colorado, during the American Heart Association basic science conference this year. How dorky, but actually it was a very cool experience!
Cardiology, Healthcare Today, and Medicine
Hi There and Welcome to the Blogophere. I read the post from Dr. Wes on The Medical Blog Network where I co-write a medical marketing column.
I warn you this is a fun, fulfilling but addictive hobby that you have entered. Welcome to the madness.
Welcome! LIke Carol said, it is addicting . . . go over to Dr. A ( when you are ready to join blogaholics anonymous!
Hi carol and difficultpt,
Thanks for the welcomes! I'm looking forward to this experiment in blogging. Like coffee, I think it is probably a good addiction to have!
dorky, no
cute as hell, yes
found your site via Dr. Anonymous
blog on, doc, blog on!
Hi, I'm an ENT specialist.
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